This past Wednesday evening, September 27th, Mayor Lili Bosse delivered her State of the City Address at the Greystone Mansion Formal Gardens.


With a campaign titled “Be Bold” one must deliver, and Mayor Bosse did just that!  From the decor and party favors, to her wardrobe and venue, nothing was done without making a statement. Including our Rolls-Royce display at the entrance!  Her plan for the rest of the year also one to make note of and watch for. With an emphasis on local businesses and using the power of social media and televised broadcasts to endorse such businesses, the whole community is appreciative.  The beautification plans are also going to be exciting for the Beverly Hills community.  This holiday season is going to be one for the books, because Mayor Bosse has plans to decorate more areas of Beverly Hills than has ever been done!


In addition to improving upon the actual City, Mayor Bosse wants to hear from her community. Her Monday “Walk with the Mayor” is back, starting this Monday, October 2nd! There you get the chance to voice your concerns as well as learn about the latest in the community from new businesses to upcoming plans and events. For more information click here. And be sure to support your local businesses!